April 1
Monday. Went to
Nora’s with Maude to do her washing.
Then to Maude’s for lunch.
April 2
Tuesday. Attended
Group 1 meeting at Wilma Brown’s. Had
memorial service for Mrs. Overby. Rained
all night.
April 3
Wednesday. Grandma’s
birthday. My! What a rain. P.M. ironed.
April 4
Thurs. Garden Club
meeting at Margaret Howell's – Minnie was co hostess.
April 5
Grace and I planned for meat and rolls for Optimist Club
April 6
Saturday. We bought
and cooked beef roasts. Also made rolls
for banquet. Served 82 plates. Cleared about $95.00
April 7
Sunday. Took Maude to
Ft. Smith to catch bus to Bristow.
Brought Grandma home with us.
April 8
Monday. Visited Neva
in hospital. She is in traction – not
very comfortable.
April 9
Tuesday. CWF Meeting
at Church. Mrs. York speaker – 3 guests
from Rena. Served a tea. Older ladies on program. Theme:
Golden Anniversary
April 10
April 11
April 12
April 13
April 14
Sunday. Went to S.S.
and church then to Rudy for Mrs. Carney’s birthday. Had Grandma all week.
Now we know why the diary had only the days written in - Mammaw was taken care of Grandma Comstock that whole week while Aunt Maude was visiting her daughter.
April 15
Monday. Nora came
home from Muskogee.
April 16
Tuesday. We took
Grandma to Nora’s and went on to Springdale – Spent night at JoEllen’s.
Now Aunt Nora Rainwater gets a turn at taking care of her mother!
April 17
Wednesday. Went to
choir practice to hear cantata. Then
spent night at K.M.’s after mending all day.
April 18
Thursday. Drove out
by farm and on home. Got word Arthur had
a heart attack in Albequerque.
Mammaw's brother - Arthur Hays. He survived - he died in May of 1961.
April 19
Friday. Minnie and I
called Grace in hospital. Arthur very
April 20
Saturday. Made a few
plans for Easter. Becky and Ike came at
noon. Called on Grandma at Nora’s after
noon. Then to see Paul and Neva’s home.
April 21
Sunday. Easter. Becky and Ike attended church with us. Ira and Minnie came for dinner.
April 22
Monday. Kenney took
Grace and me to Ft. Smith to shop for food for CMF District meeting next Thursday
April 23
Wednesday [she skipped a day and didn't catch her mistake until the next week] Mr.
Boatright finished the kitchen woodwork. P.M. I went to Grace’s
and made desserts for Mens’ Fellowship.
More rain.
April 24
Thursday. Shopped all
morning for groceries. Three P.M. Grace,
Emma Mae & myself went to church to cook for CMF.
April 25
Friday. Drove up on
the hill and picked up quilt Jackie Swearingen quilted for Becky. Then shopped uptown.
April 26
General routine
April 27
Sunday. [actually the 28th] Took Grandma,
Maude and Nora for a drive. Kenney drove
upon Mt. Vista where we could see water, water everywhere. River and Lee’s Creek raging.
April 28
Helped cook and serve Chamber of Commerce banquet at
church. 160 plate guarantee.
The Banquet was on Monday the 29th.
April 29
Bill, Loy and preacher called on us in evening. Gave $100.00 for central heat and air
conditioning. Banquet.
April 30
Tuesday. Another
bladder flare up.
Mammaw had a busy month, keeping Grandma, meals at the church, a trip to Springdale, Easter with company. So now she's ill again.
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