Thursday, August 7, 2014

July 1956

July 1
Sunday.  Much better today.  Can sit without too many pillows.  All went to church except Kenney, Laurie and myself.  Laurie slept.  I helped a little with lunch.
She was staying at the McKim's house in Springdale while recuperating.

July 2
Monday.  Had two sitz baths and wrote some thank you notes.  P.M.  Not quite so perky.  Too much tea I think.  Rodeo going on here.

July 3
Tuesday.  Laurie Lee and I stayed home while the family went to rodeo.  Pam Backus baby sat.  Stayed up till eleven.
Pam was the daughter of JoEllen & Joe's friends Howard & Lorraine Backus.  Kay babysat Pam and her brothers when they were younger - now Pam's babysitting Laurie.

July 4
Wednesday.  Jay Called.  Went to store and watched parade.  Paul and Neva came.  At supper on patio.  Had homemade cream.  Backus family came.  Had fire works at night.
Paul Comstock - my granddad's brother - and Neva his wife.

July 5
Thursday.  Work on bath room started again.  Martha Summers and Lucille came.  Went with JoEllen to pool to pick up Kay and JoAnn.  Kay broke glasses.
Maybe that's the summer I broke my glasses three times - Mom was not happy.  This was the first summer Springdale had a pool!   One day the chlorine tank valve popped open and sprayed the pool with chlorine gas making everyone cough and many quite ill.  I remember carrying JoAnn home that day - she was coughing and gagging but since she had been in the baby pool at the opposite end, she wasn't terribly ill.  I had held my breath and carried her out of the pool area as quickly as I could.  There was so much confusion at the pool, ambulances arriving, etc. that I just thought it best to get her home.  Dr. Applegate checked her out and she was fine.  If I had not had her with me, I'd probably have been at the diving pool and been really ill.

July 6
Friday.  Carpenter finished bath room shelves.  Mrs. Bridenthal came to clean house.  Seems to be working out O.K.  Went with JoEllen to take her home.
Mom had several ladies come to clean during the years - don't think any of them lasted very long.

July 7
Saturday.  Went to clinic for check up.  Good report.  Everything back in fine shape.  Got permission to go home Mon. or Tues.  Went over and sat on K.M.’s lawn while they did yard work.

July 8
Sunday.  Took my hot bath while every one gone to church.  Helped get dinner under way.  Ira and Minnie came.  Had homemade ice cream.  Spent night at K.M.’s.  Ice cream again.  Bed about midnight.

July 9
Monday.  Late breakfast at K.M.’s.  Packed ready to come home.   Lunch with JoEllen.  Drove by Mrs. Burlesons – then short visit with Letty.  Home 6 P.M.  Ice cream with Farmers and Croftons.
Mrs. Burleson was Clare Comstock's mother - she lived in Fayetteville across the street from Washington Grade School.  Letty was Letty Carney - wife of Cy Carney and my granddad's sister - they lived on Highway 71 just south of Fayetteville so they would be driving right by her house on the way to Van Buren.

July 10
Tuesday.  Unpacking & watering all day.  Automatic washer repair man.  Lunch with Ira and Minnie.  CWF day but I rested.  Birthday card to Dave and mailed pants to Jay – Late for birthday.
Grandson Dave Comstock's birthday is July 11th - her son Jay's was July 17th - maybe she was afraid her package would not arrive in San Francisco in time.

July 11
Wednesday.  A.W. spent the morning with us.  Had a good visit.  P.M. went to Grandma’s, Nora’s, and to see Paul and Neva’s new home.  Dave’s birthday – very nice.
A. W. was probably her brother, Arthur Wallace Hays, as he often went by his initials.

July 12
Thursday.  Put out three washings.  Two for Minnie.  Minnie and I packed boxes cookies & nuts for Jay.  Wrote Insurance people again.  Wrote Jay and JoEllen.

July 13
Friday.  Kenney’s birthday.  Didn’t do anything about it.  Waiting for the party.
My granddad was 69 - he was six months younger than Mammaw.  The Van Buren folks always celebrated the various birthdays together - usually several at a time.

July 14
Saturday.  Took Grandma and went to Neva’s.  Picked Maude & Nora up after show (Shepherd of the Hills).  Took them and Grandma to spend week end with Nora.  Eula gone to Muskogee.

July 15
Sunday.  Stayed home from S.S.  No church.  Went to Nora’s for Sunday dinner.  Then brought the bunch here to watch TV and eat supper.  Ira & Minnie here too.

July 16
Monday.  A lazy day.  Cloudy and a little sprinkle of rain.  Cleaned bed rooms and got beds ready for company.  Kenney got book from Jay and Scotty.

July 17
Tuesday.  Jay’s birthday.  Went to Circle #1 nine o’clock coffee at Emma Mae Rogers.  Nice meeting.  Doc brought gallon of plums for jelly and butter.
Doc Farmer - friend and neighbor who lived across the back alley.

July 18
Wednesday.  Help Minnie getting beds ready for big Eastern Star company.  Birthday party at Nora’s for Maude, Letty, and Kenney.  Too much food.
Kenney's birthday was as above - July 13th, his sister Maude's was June 19th, and his sister Letty's was July 26th.

July 19
Thursday.  K.M. worked store and had lunch with us.  LaVonne on the way to St. Louis with Letty & Cy.  K.M. said good by till in August.  Leaving for Camp Hood for two weeks.
K.M. was still in the Army Reserves and had two weeks of camp every summer.

July 20
Friday.  Cleaned house & ironed.  CWF served Eastern Star banquet.  Cleared $78.57.  Kenney and I picked up ice and ice cream for Ruth.  126 plates served.

July 21
Saturday.  Watered flowers & shrubs all day.  Then had a good rain night & Sunday.  Grace and I beat Kenney and Doc at pitch.  Served ice cream and cookies.
Grace and Doc Farmer.

July 22
Sunday.  Rained till church time.  Ira picked us up.  Chaplain Eisenlauer preached while Bob is on vacation.  P.M. went to Paul and Neva’s.

July 23
Monday.  Went to Springdale to see my doctor.  Had fine report.  Spent the night at JoEllen’s.  Joe helped get my insurance ready to mail.

July 24
Tuesday.  Started home about 9 A.M.  Stopped by for an hour’s visit with Letty.  They were back from St. Louis and had good report from Cy’s doctor.

July 25
Wednesday.  Clare called.  Graydon would be in Okla City the week end; so took Nora to Muskogee and we arrived in Tulsa six P.M.  Just in time for dinner.

July 26
Thursday.  Nadine came for hamburgers with us.  She’s a wonderful person.  Had good visit.  P.M. Graydon took us and the boys to see “Oklahoma”.  A very good show.
Nadine (Riggs) Yarrington was one of my mother's high school friends - her family lived in Tulsa.

July 27
Friday.  We left for home 9:30 A.M.  Drove into state park & Western Hills Lodge near Wagoner.  Had lunch in Tahlequah.  Home 2:30 P.M.  Had watermelon fee on Paul and Neva's patio.  Joyce birthday party.
Joyce was Aunt Maude's granddaughter and lived in Bristow, OK - maybe they were visiting or it's a different Joyce!

July 28
Saturday.  A hot day but cleaned house and washed some.  P.M.  Doc & Grace over for pitch and popcorn.  A rain came up while we watched Texas Wrestling (TV show)

July 29
Sunday.  A.M. went to S.S. & Church.  Chaplain Eisenlaur preached.  Took Grandma & Maude to Paul’s.  Had lunch with Ira & M-.

July 30
Monday.  Worked on CWF papers off & on all day.  Got 1 bushel Belle of Georgia peaches.  Minnie & I fixed some for deep freeze.

July 31
Tuesday.  Helped Minnie can 10 pts. Tomatoes.  Called on Ocie Bruns and took surprise lilies.  Went with Kenny to vote.  Browns home from vacation.  Little Kenney’s birthday.
Grandson Kenney Comstock's birthday is July 31st.

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