Monday, May 18, 2015

December 1959

This was the last month for the diary but she added notes which I'll put in a final post.

December 1
A.M. Worked on aprons.  P.M. Missionary meeting at Merle Littrell’s.
I'm not positive but I believe this was the year she made matching aprons for the young granddaughters - Mary Jane, JoAnn, Mary Alice, and Laurie - for their Christmas gift. They had cross-stitch patterns on checked gingham.  Wonder of any of them still have them?

December 2
Wednesday.  Caught up on paper work, attended to business down town.  Choir practice.

December 3
Thurs.  A.M. washed and worked on pajamas and aprons.  Drove to Rogers, afternoon.

December 4
Friday.  Went to Rogers to get glasses fixed up.  Cooked lunch and baby sat at JoEllen’s.

December 5
Saturday.  Worked on pajamas.

December 6
Sunday.  Had dinner with K.M. & LaVonne.  A called choir practice at night.

December 7
Monday.  Sewed and baked.

December 8
Tuesday.  Got food ready for Christmas pkgs.  Stayed at JoEllen’s from 3:30 on – spent night there.
She always packed Christmas goodies for her sons that lived away - even if they were planning to be in Springdale for Christmas.. I believe she had started that when they were away in World War II.  After she died, my mother continued to send a box of goodies to her brothers.

December 9
Wednesday.  Mailed pkgs to Jay & to Becky and Ike.  Got shampoo & set.
Her hair was important to her - I don't believe she ever failed to note a beauty appointment.  I know that she was frustrated with her own attempts and really enjoyed having someone else wash and set her hair.  I started getting some gray in my dark hair by about age 35 - she asked me one day, "Why don't you do something about that?"  I responded to her, "You didn't color your hair and it's beautiful now, why would I bother?" She responded, "Oh yes I did, I colored my hair for years.".  I was stunned - still never colored my hair, tho....

December 10
Thurs.  Worked at Handwork sale A.M.  P.M. went to Fayetteville Club Christmas party at Bessies’s
Have no clue about the Fayetteville Club or Bessie.

December 11
Friday.  Opened up for CWF sale.
This must have been the Christmas bazaar that the church held just before Christmas every year.

December 12
Started sale again.  Drove to Rogers to get my glasses.

December 13
Sunday.  Ike’s birthday.  Gave Christmas Cantata.
Ike was 35.  No, she didn't give him the Christmas Cantata!  The choir at First Christian Church gave the cantata.

December 14
Monday.  Closed up our bazaar sale.  $102.60.

December 15
Tuesday.  Mrs. Cloer and I gathered up hand work.  Went to CWF meeting.  P.M. Helped McKims decorate.

December 16
Wednesday.  Helped JoEllen get ready for Garden Club.  Kept Laurie from 11 till 6.

December 17
Thurs.  kept Laurie from 11 till three.  Made holiday house tour with JoEllen and the girls.  Got glasses and hearing aid.

December 18
Friday.  Night, Graydon’s folk came.

December 19
Saaturday.  Had Clare & Mary for lunch.  Kept G’s children & McKim’s at night.
Guess she stayed with Don, David, Mary Alice, JoAnn and Laurie.  Don would have plenty old enough to stay alone but probably not reliable enough to take care of the young ones.

December 20
G.C.’s went home.  I went to VB for Grandma’s Christmas Party.  Spent night at Letty’s.
Translation:  the Graydon Comstocks went home to Tulsa.  Mammaw went to Van Buren, but spent the night with Aunt Let and Uncle Cy who lived in Fayetteville.  She probably drove to their house and rode with them to Van Buren.

December 21
Monday.  Came home from Letty’s

December 22 - Tues.

December 23 - Wednesday

December 24
Thurs. night.  Becky and Ike came.
From Kansas City

December 25
Friday.  Christmas.  21 for dinner.
Now we know why she didn't have time to write much in the previous days...

December 26
Sat.  Becky, Ike and I went to V.B.  Stopped at cemetery.  Had dinner with Ira & Minnie.

December 27
Sunday.  Went to church.  JoEllen & Joe took us to Country Club for dinner.  P.M. Becky & Ike went home.

December 28
Monday.  Went to V.B. to spend a week with Grandma.
So Aunt Maude could spend time with her own family.  None of Grandma's other children ever did this.

December 29 - Tuesday

December 30
Wed.  P.M. Grandma and I went to Nora’s to sew and to pick up milk at market.

December 31 - Thursday.
She never had time to write much when she stayed with Grandma - but maybe she didn't take her diary and caught up later.

Rest of the notes are on a Memorandum page and written around the margins of the calendar in the back.  The book was full, but she didn’t seem quite ready to stop!  We should have bought her another diary!

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