Thursday, March 5, 2015

February 1959

My wedding month - a busy time for all of us.

February 1
Sun.  Becky and I went to church.  Ike painted.  Dinner for 14 again – with JoEllen and LaVonne’s help.  Paul and Neva came.

February 2
Mon.  At JoEllen’s

February 3
Tues.  Went to group meeting at parsonage.  Took Mrs. Elmore with me.

February 5
Thurs.  My what a snow!  Staying in.  Getting slick.

February 6

February 7
Saturday.  Mr. Kennedy came.  I ate supper and watched TV at JoEllen’s at night.

February 8
Sunday.  S.S. & church and ate with MKims at AQ Chicken House.  P.M. Went to K.M.’s – He and little Kenney on sick list.

February 9

February 11
Tuesday  [it was actually Feb 10 – she skipped a day].  Went shopping down town and grocery store.  Called on Mrs. Kimball – new neighbor.

February 12  [11]
Wednesday.  At JoEllen’s.  Helped finish Flower girl’s dresses.
Would have been JoAnn & Laurie's dresses for my wedding.

February 13  [12]
Thus.  Club day.  Raining me out.  I went tho – had fun.

February 14  [13]
Friday.  Worked on Kay’s wedding dress.  The three little girls spent night with me.
She helped sew the seed pearls and the hemming on my dress.  The three little girls would have been Mary Jane, JoAnn, and Laurie.

February 15  [14]
Saturday.  Finished hemming Kay’s wedding dress.  Had dinner at JoEllen’s & helped celebrate JoAnn’s birthday.

February 16  [15]
Sun.  Went to S.S. & Church.  Lunch at home.  Slept nearly all the afternoon.  Feel much better.
Of course, she never mentioned feeling ill in the first place...

February 17  [16]
Went to Joe Ellen’s.  Put trimming on the little pink dresses.
Tues.  Assistant hostess at CWF luncheon and program.

February 18
Wed.  Stayed home till choir practice time.  K.M. & LaVonne took me.

February 19

February 20
Friday.  Stayed with Laurie.  Cooked dinner.  JoEllen and I went grocery shopping.  Finished covering my lamp shade at night.

February 21
Saturday.  Washed and cleaned all morning.  K.M.’s family had preachers family over for six o’clock dinner.

February 22
Sunday.  S. S. & Church.  Dinner at Talbot’s in country.  Back to JoEllen’s and helped JoEllen and Lorraine put Kay’s wedding presents on display.
The reception would be at our house.

February 23
Monday at JoEllen’s.

February 24
Tuesday.  Picking up loose ends at home.

February 25
Wed.  Helped JoEllen clean and get house ready for Wedding reception.

February 26
Thurs.  Kay’s Wedding Day.  Got permanent and Mattie came.  Ira & Minnie came for supper and Wedding Reception at McKim’s after wedding.
So she was with her two sisters for my wedding.

February 27
Friday.  Spent day at home visiting with Mattie.

February 28
Sat.  Mattie went home.

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