Thursday, September 18, 2014

January 1957

So we begin a new year....   Much continues as usual!

January 1
Tuesday.  Stayed home and took care of Grandma till Maude came from Bristow.
Aunt Maude's daughter and family lived in Bristow.

January 2
Wed.  Grocery shopped with Maude and washed two machines of clothes for her.  P.M. baked apple pudding for garden club.

January 3
Thurs. Co-hostess for Garden Club at Mrs. Cloe Moore’s.  Beulah Dollar and Mrs. Harvell also co-hostesses.

January 4
Friday.  CWF Executive board meeting at church.  2 P.M.

January 5
Saturday.  Delivered packages to Sabra Wallace.  Really gave her a thrill.
I'm sure this had something to do with someone at the church, but not sure what exactly.

January 6
Sunday.  Reg Sunday activities.

January 7

January 8
Tuesday.  CWF Meeting at church  2 P.M.

January 9
Wed.  A.M. Drove to Springdale and went directly to see Dr. Applegate.  Found I had cistitis – 12 tablets took care of that.

January 10
Thursday.  Was recuperating at JoEllen’s.

January 11
Friday.  Mostly resting.
If she was resting, she did not feel well!

January 12
Took over with the children while Jo and Joe went to Little Rock.
The date suggests they went to Little Rock for the mid-winter L-P Gas Association convention.

January 13
Sunday A.M.  Went to S. S. & church and heard their new minister – Bill Cloud.  Think they will like him.
Bill Cloud was an interesting minister with an interesting family.  Not a bad speaker.  His wife would buy a bolt of cloth and make shirts for all the boys and Bill and dresses for the little girls and herself - all out of the same fabric.  I think there were at least five children.  

January 14
Mon & Tues.  Took care of Jo & Joe’s children

January 16
Wednesday.  Visited with K.M. & LaVonne A.M.  Had Stanley call Dr. Hall -  he was ill – not available.  Drove by to see Letty and then on home.  6°  in Springdale early A.M.

January 17
Thursday.  Catching up with correspondence.  Met George Haggard at church to figure on refinishing banisters.

January 18
Friday.  Bought a new Electrolux cleaner.
I think that's the vacuum she was still using after all my children were born and I'd go by every couple of weeks and clean house for her.

January 19
Saturday.  Baked cake.  Made Jello Salad for church dinner.  Also cleaned house.

January 20
Sunday.  Spent the S.S. and church hour with Grace (Farmer) in church Kitchen – Getting ready for church luncheon.  Much fun.  About 100 present.

January 21
Monday.  Washed A.M.  Two P.M. went to Dripping Springs to Henery Spees funeral – then on to Uniontown to see Omer Mills.  He had a stroke much like Kenney.

January 22
Went with Ruth to Ft. Smith to see about tile for hall at church – and to see about getting communion redone – no go.

January 23
Wednesday.  Grace and I worked on curtains all day and till nine P.M.  Some job.

January 24
Thursday.  Minnie and I pressed and hung curtains in Fellowship hall.  Little too short.

January 25
Friday.  Mended and cleaned house A.M.   P.M. meet another tile man and got estimate of cost.

January 26
Saturday.  My Birthday.  A.M. Had my hair and eyebrows fixed up.  Baked cake & made jello for party.  Neil Reints mother’s funeral 3:30 P.M.  Gave Dan Harris order for tile.
She was seventy this day.

 January 27
Sunday.  Cold and rainy.  A.M.  S.S. & church.  Birthday dinner at Ira & Minnie’s.  What a feed – Nora and I got so many nice things.

January 28
Monday.  JoEllen and Joe came.  We had dinner with Nora, Ada, Grandma, and Maude.
This Nora was Grandma's oldest daughter - Nora Rainwater.  Ada was Ada (Burchfield) Riddle - Grandma's niece.  Ada lived in Longview, TX, but visited often - she was nearly always in Van Buren for Grandma's birthday celebration in April.

January 29
Tuesday.  Put out washing.  Not drying much.  Still very cloudy.  Had stationery with my name printed on from Becky & Ike.

January 30
Wednesday.  What a rainy time to grocery shop.

January 31
Thursday.  Bought groceries for Youth banquet.

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